FLÓBÉR - an experience in berlin

FLÓBÉR is an activist performance that addresses the symbiotic relation between family and nation states in the proliferation of dictatorial and colonial practices.

This interdisciplinary work combines autobiographical theater, contemporary dance, sound design, and documentary film to explore the concepts of colonial love and internalized oppression. 

"Internalized oppression occurs when an oppressed group accepts the methods and incorporates the oppressive ideology of an oppressor group, contrary to its own interests." Pheterson, Gail (1986)

FLÓBÉR confronts the questions: 

When do we become our own oppressor? 

When do we become the oppressor of others?

This performance explores the perspectives of two white, queer nonbinary people, one Portuguese and one US American, formerly living in Portugal. This intercontinental dialogue allows the performers to reflect the nation’s instrumentalization of the family unit, within two different cultural confinements. 

In Berliner Ringtheater, on December 12, 13, 14, 15 at 19:30


Telmo Branco: Unpacking Oppression Through Art


Divine Defiance